Print Media

Dance Film connects Perth Artists with Burmese Community 

By Satima Flavell; 13 November 2014

Perth-based arts collective Remnant Dance premiered a unique dance film as part of a combined performance and art exhibition at this year’s Fremantle Festival.

To read the rest of the review, please click here

Myanmar News

Click here to see a local news article about the art exhibition opening @ the River Gallery II in Yangon, Myanmar.

Vietnam News Coverage

Hanoi Grapevine (15 June 2012): Australian Dance Company Performs in Hanoi
Saigon English edition (16 June 2012):
Vietnam Net (19 June 2012): Australian Dance Troupe to Tour Hanoi
Vietnam News, the National English Language Daily (22 June 2012): Modern Aussie Dance Set to Wow Hanoi


Perth's Remnant Dance Steps Up

By Satima Flavell; 31 December 2011
Perth's newest small dance company, Remnant Dance, is preparing for its biggest adventure so far – a tour of the east coast between Sydney and Brisbane.
The group has been working together for just over a year. As much an artists’ collective as a dance ensemble, it began to coalesce when the founder, Lucinda Coleman, found herself with the sad task of getting rid of her precious old piano that had belonged to her grandmother. “What do you do with something that used to be functional and beautiful but is no longer seen to be so?” Coleman asked herself.She got her family and artistic colleagues together to demolish the piano.
To continue reading the review by Satima Flavell published in ArtsHub, click on the PDF article here.


Gomer in Sydney

By Juanita Jelleyman; 10 February 2012
I remember how the heat outside seemed to sink as I entered the building. Lifting my sunglasses, I found my curiosity about the other women who were also arriving, reflected back at me in an array of faces. As I scan the group, I notice a dark haired woman standing in the centre of the room. For some reason my first look in her direction tells me it is Luci. Our eyes connect with a smile.
To continue reading the reflective article by Juanita Jelleyman, click on the PDF article here.