La goccia del giorno/The drop of the day: DIECI/TEN

". . . devising is a collaborative methodology. . . " (Shaughnessy, 2012, p.10)


We began the day carrying glass objects to a remote location for an art installation. Five NAHR fellows trekked through mud and along cobbled paths, balancing containers of glass art materials with furtive glances at towering mountains and green surrounds. Our new friend and colleague had stumbled across a derelict stone building: the perfect location for her art installation. We delighted in sharing her discovery and eagerly discussed the final installation performance. After drinking from the town fountain, we returned to our apartment to make lunch together: fresh basil, tomato, mozzarella salad. Our conversation became an undulating melody of collective negotiation and decision-making. We agreed to pack up and spend time devising dance material in the local Enna River. Later, another new NAHR friend joined us, bringing her camera, her ideas, and her gentle smiles to create new work together. Her perspective as a cinematographer and film-maker enabled us, as dancers, to fully focus on responding to site while she gave direction, encouragement and advice from behind the camera. After a productive afternoon dancing in the river-water, the entire group of NAHR residents gathered together in our apartment to share a meal and farewell one of our NAHR colleagues whose time for departure had arrived. We laughed, talked, ate, drank, discussed, debated, considered and encouraged each other: altogether. The making of art objects is the work of an international residency; the collaboration with others encourages us to achieve excellent outcomes in the work of our international residency.




Shaughnessy, N. (2012). Applying Performance live art, socially engaged theatre and affective practice. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.