La goccia del giorno/The drop of the day: TREDICI/THIRTEEN

“Goodness is always older than choice” (Lévinas, 2013, p. 57).


Our collaboration continued today with two other NAHR fellows in the local Enna River. Our challenges continued as we worked with movement phrases under the sun, and in the water. Our delight increased as the collaborating artists offered suggestions for filming dance material, enriching the experience of site-specific choreographic development. Our joy was matched by intensity of focus as we sought to craft artistic material with integrity and commitment to aesthetic excellence. Our day ended with a bus trip to a nearby town, where we continued our conversations over exceptional Italian food and wine, reflecting on the events of the day. Our experiences were no doubt unique to each individual; yet we have this day in common. Our choices involved working together for this moment in time: to respond to the goodness of something far deeper and greater than anything we could manufacture in the length of our residency. Our time together is coming to an end, but has left residual traces under the skin, in the marrow of the bone, and in the way we approach other artistic projects in the future . . .



*Image of Ellen Avery, Luisa Brando & Lucinda Coleman taken on site in Sottochiesa, Italy, 2018, by Katie Chown. Used with permission. 



Lévinas, E. (2013). Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence (A. Lingis, Trans.). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.